Saturday, February 11, 2012

Promoting Literarure Through BOOK REVIEWS

In order to promote literature, and celebrate our favorite books, our fifth graders write and publish book reviews. We begin by exploring various online book reviews to increase our knowledge of reviews.  The students research various reviews and record "What They Notice About Powerful Book Reviews...".  As a class, we then use our research to create a "Powerful Book Reviews" anchor chart.  The characteristics listed on the chart help us design a rubric which we use to assess the reviews. 

Then, the magic begins!  The students write, publish and design attractive and appealing book reviews.  We then link our book reviews to our grade level website so they can be shared with family, friends and other readers.  The students really feel proud of their work.  More importantly, they enjoy reading other student's book reviews and learning about great books. We are able to foster a love of reading through our book reviews, which is our ultimate goal.

Be sure to CHECK OUT our BOOK REVIEWS on our grade level website!  Sherwood Elementary 5th Grade Website

Sunday, January 1, 2012

City of Ember

As a reading teacher, I am constantly searching for fantastic read aloud books. So, this past summer, my goal was to read, read and read some more in order to select the most optimal books for read alouds throughout the school year. One of my favorite new additions to my read aloud collection is without a doubt, City of Ember, by Jeanne DuPrau.

This science fiction book truly captured the attention of my readers. It is a perfect science fiction book for fifth grade.  Many fifth graders are very interested in reading science fiction, but often struggle breaking into this genre of literature.  The storyline in City of Ember grabs their interest and makes them THINK as the mystery of Ember unfolds.

Also, this book is the first book in a series entitled, "The Books of Ember". Another GREAT reason why this book makes a perfect read aloud. MANY of my students are looking forward to reading the series. Hooray! I can't wait to talk to my young readers about this series as they read on.